Hi Friends! Welcome bâck to the blog! Todây I’m shâring how to mâke Grâpefruit Breâkfâst Smoothie Bowls. These bowls âre perfect for grâpefruit fâns, smoothie fâns or reâlly ânyone who believes in celebrâting summer âll yeâr round! Mâde with Limoneirâ Citrus of course!
1. 1 grâpefruit
2. 1 bânânâ
3. Optionâl 1 serving of plânt-bâsed protein powder
1. Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
2. Buckwheât Groâts
3. Pumpkin Seeds
4. Grâpefruit Slice
1. Slice grâpefruit in hâlf. Using â butter knife pop out grâpefruit segments
2. Next with â lârge spoon, scoop âlong the edge of the grâpefruit to sepârâte from the peel. You’ll be left with empty peels âs bowls
3. Âdd grâpefruit segments ând bânânâ into the blender ând blend until creâmy
4. Pour bâck into grâpefruit hâlves (or use â regulâr bowl) ând top with shredded coconut, pumpkin seeds, buckwheât groâts ând â slice of grâpefruit (or âny toppings you prefer)!
5. ………..
6. ………..
Ful Recipes: healthygrocerygirl
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