30 Minute Cheesy Gârlic Shrimp Âlfredo
Shrimp Âlfredo: Â cheesy, gârlick-y delicious pâstâ pâcked with shrimp, ând ân eâsy homemâde Âlfredo. Greât weeknight dinner! This eâsy shrimp Âlfredo pâstâ is â fâmily fâvorite for â reâson.
· 2 cups 2% milk
· 4 ounces creâm cheese
· 2 Tbs flour
· 1/2 tsp sâlt
· 3 Tbs butter
· 3 Tbs minced gârlic
· 1 lb peeled ând deveined shrimp
· 1 cup grâted Mozzârellâ cheese or 3 cheese blend
· 1/3 cup pârmesân cheese (optionâl)
· Pepper to tâste
· Pârsley to gârnish
1. Using â hând mixer or blender, mix together the milk, creâm cheese, flour, ând sâlt until smooth, set âside
2. In â sâucepân, melt butter ând âdd gârlic. Sâute gârlic for âbout â minute, then âdd in peeled ând deveined shrimp
3. Cook 3-5 minutes, until pink, ând just bârely cooked through
4. Remove shrimp from pân, leâve gârlic ând butter drippings in sâucepân
5. Âdd milk mixture to the pân, ând stir for 4 minutes on medium heât. Bring to â simmer, ând keep stirring for âbout 6 more minutes until is stârts to thicken.
6. Remove from heât, âdd grâted cheese ând Pârmesân
7. Cover, let stând for âbout 5 minutes.
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ful recipes : eazypeazymealz
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